TSE Program Graduation Ceremony

In the land of Hiroshima University, we practice diverse transdisciplinary science and engineering research from a global perspective while making the most of the uniqueness of each specialized field. On March 23, 2022, we hosted a graduation ceremony for the first-generation graduates from the TSE Program: 16 master-course students and…

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[Excellent master thesis awards] The 2nd semester in 2021

1. 井内 悠 IUCHI Yu Investigation of Antioxidant, Anti-α-Glucosidase, and Anticancer Activities ofKombucha Fermented Cordycepin Purified from Cordyceps militaris 2. 壽賀 野乃花 SUGA Nonoka 災害時の時差出勤における時刻選択行動の分析とシミュレーションツールの開発 3. 李 文浩 LI Wenhao Experimental Investigation Regarding Mental Factors and Evacuation Behaviorin Smoke-Filled Tunnel

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力石真准教授 道路政策の質の向上に資する技術研究開発 「優秀技術研究開発賞」受賞


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[Award] EASTS 2021: Best Paper Award for “Discovering interesting facts”

Taisei Yoshioka, Dr. Makoto Chikaraishi, Prof. Akimasa Fujiwara: from our department won the Best paper award for “Discovering interesting facts” at the 14th International Conference of EASTS (Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies). Congratulations!!! “Empirical Models of Consumer and Merchant Behavior in the Two-Sided Market of Local Currency”

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