[Excellent master thesis awards] The 1st semester in 2021

1. FAN YIDAN “Using Social Media Data to Understand Tourists’ Preferences for Nature-based Tourism in Global Tropical Rainforests” 2. CHRENG KARODINE “Medium-term Prediction of Electricity Demand for Sustainable Energy Development in Cambodia using Improved CEEMDAN and Recurrent Neural Networks with ERA5 Reanalysis Climate Variables” 3. DINGLASA MAE GRACE ALENABO “Behavioral…

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[Research achievement] Invasive weed may help treat some human diseases

A recent achievement of Tran Dang Xuan’s Laboratory has been released in Global Education News, which published significant achievements of research and education worldwide. Please refer the link below:https://qs-gen.com/invasive-weed-may-help-treat-some-human-diseases-researchers-find/ We share further information on our research to develop our collaborative work.

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[Excellent master thesis awards] The 2nd semester in 2020

1.Kakujo Ryusei:”Future Urban Form Led by Driving Automation: A Case of Hiroshima City” 2.Yamamoto Hirotaka:”Activity Analysis in Self-driving Society Based on Adaptive Stated Preference Approach” (応答型選好意識アプローチによる自動運転社会のアクティビティ分析) 3.Yamashita Tatsuya:”Effects Laying Mobile Bridge and Priority Recovering Road Links after Disaster” (災害時のモバイルブリッジの敷設効果と道路区間の復旧優先順位の検討)

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International e-Conference on Pandemics and Transport Policy (ICPT2020)

都市・交通運輸分野における世界初の本格的なCOVID-19に関する国際会議へようこそ!世界交通学会WCTRSと広島大学ASMOセンター共催のCOVID-19国際会議のご案内です。 Welcome to the first international conference on COVID-19 in the transportation and urban research field! 会議日時(日本標準時間):12月7日~11日、毎日2セッション 14:30/15:00–17:30/18:00) および 21:00–24:00/00:30 Dates and time periods (Japan Standard Time): Dec 7-11; 2 sessions per day: 14:30/15:00–17:30/18:00) and 21:00–24:00/00:30 会議プログラムの詳細は以下のURLをご参照ください。 Details of the conference refer to the following URL. https://home.hiroshima-u.ac.jp/~zjy/international-e-conference-on-pandemics-transport-policy/ Zoomを使ったオンライン会議です。 This will be an online conference using…

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[Award] The 2020 Annual Award from the Chugoku Info-Communication Conference by Dr.Chikaraishi

Assoc. Prof. Makoto Chikaraishi received the 2020 Annual Award from the Chugoku Info-Communication Conference. This award was given for his contribution to round table discussions on the utilization of open data in Chugoku region, particularly on public transport arrangement during disaster. Congratulations! 広島大学大学院先進理工系科学研究科 理工学融合プログラムの力石 真准教授が、令和2年度中国情報通信懇談会表彰を授与されました。同賞は、中国地域オープンデータ利活用ラウンドテーブルにおいて災害時の公共交通をテーマとしたテーブルにおける議論をとりまとめるなど中国情報通信懇談会の活動への貢献が認められたため授与されました。おめでとうございます。

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[Academic award] The 24th Kira Award by Dr. Nakabayashi

Dr. Miyabi Nakabayashi in our department received the following award based on her research on seed dispersal of figs by binturongs (bear cats). Congratulations! The 24th Kira Award for young scientist by The Japan Society of Tropical Ecology (13 June 2020) 中林先生が第24回吉良賞奨励賞の受賞しました。おめでとうございます! ビントロングという動物が、熱帯雨林生態系のキーストン植物のイチジクの種子散布に貢献していることを明らかにした研究です。 Link to the JSTE website

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