[Excellent master thesis awards] The 1st semester in 2018

Excellent master thesis awards of the Department of Development Technology for the graduation in September 2018   1.Mr. Jonathan Salar Cabrera ”Quantitative assessment of climate change impacts on flood-prone areas in Davao Oriental, Phillippines” 2.Mr. Muhammad Hadi Saputra “Climate Change Impact on Species Distribution of Styrax sumatrana in North Sumatra…

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[Excellent master thesis awards] The 2nd semester in 2017

  Excellent master thesis awards of the Department of Development Technology for the graduation in February 2018   1.Mr. Kento Sumida ”Adaptation Measures to Counteract the Effect of Future Urban Warming : A Case Study in Urban Houses in Hanoi, Vietnam” 2.Mr. Shota Sako “3次元高圧応力経路下における土粒子の破砕性状に関する研究” 3.Mr.  Atefi Mujeeb Rahman “Slope…

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From the Urban Heat Island researches in developing Asian cities   Kubota, T., Lee, H.S., Trihamdani, A.R., Phuong, T.T.T., Tanaka, T., and Matsuo, K., 2017. Impacts of land use changes from the Hanoi Master Plan 2030 on urban heat islands: Part 1. Cooling effects of proposed green strategies. Sustain. Cities Soc. (in…

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